Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 6- Location Descisions

This is a map showing two different weighted overlays of different criteria based on the couples requirements. The map on the left showing equal distribution of the 4 criteria at a 25/25/25/25 ratio. I used the green to red color scheme to show the best areas that would suit the couple the best. I also highlighted three tracts that I thought would be best with a white color outlined in red. The map to the right shows the same information with different importance to each criteria at a 40/40/10/10 ratio. I used the same symbology for this map as well green being good and red being worst. I also highlighted the three best tracts the same way as I did in the first map.

This is a complex map that includes 4 seperate priority maps. One showing the distance from a desired hospital in Alachua County, another is the distance from a desired school, then next two include information of the percentage of people between the ages of 40-49 and the median home values in the county.

This is a basemap of Alachua County, FL. Showing roads, places, and public lands. This map took very little time to complete. Getting everything ready to go such as the environments and projection seemed to consume most of the time in this map.

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