Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 10- Majority Parcel Owner Map

This is a map of Gulf County Florida's major parcel owners and the amount of acres they own. This was a really easy straight forward lab, kind of a relief not that the others have been really hard it was just nice to have a quick easy map that covered all the basics again. I'm think what I'm getting at is that it was a refresher lab. Not to much to write about I liked this lab and I'm looking forward to seeing what is involved in the final project in the next couple weeks.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Week 9- Vector Analysis 2

This is a map of Potential Camp Sites in a State Park. This lab wasn't to hard to complete. It involved making buffers and overlays in different layers. I didnt' have any big problems with this lab other than having a hard time exporting some things to a new layer but from some help from the discussion board, I worked through it.
#1- I used the Intersect Tool, it showed very little to no difference at all between both tool results.
#2- I used the erase tool since it allowed me to erase any intersections made by the possible sites layer and the conservation areas layer.
#3- There are 79 campsites total, the largest area is 7,765,034 sq. mi, and smallest area is 748 sq.mi.